The DCSD-BAC (Douglas County School District–Book Accountability Club) has partnered with Rated Books to inform parents and community members in Douglas County, Colorado about the content in books in DCSD libraries that may contain obscene and graphic content that may be harmful to minors. Even elementary schools have been found to contain graphic content. You can read how the rating system was developed and is used here.
To join with other parents and community members in Douglas County that want to protect vulnerable youth from harmful pornography, gender indoctrination and activism indoctrination please view this website and consider volunteering with us. DCSD-BAC can be reached at: DCSDBAC@gmail.com
The map directly below lists some of the books that are in specific DCSD’s schools. Scroll below for a searchable database of DCSD library books that have been reviewed. The DCSD-BAC volunteers keep a working spreadsheet with a link to all of the reports, authors, and ratings. The spreadsheet also lists what books are in specific schools. Anyone may access this spreadsheet by clicking the Booklist Spreadsheet button.