Get Started:
Protecting kids from explicit content
Watch background video:
Step 1: Connect with Local Groups
See what work has already been done. View the below map to find a group, or fill out this form to add your group. Watch local school board meetings to find potential allies. I have found it helpful to keyword search explicit book titles into Citizens Portal to pull up past school board meetings to see what has been done.
Step 2: Research
You can search your school's library database at the following URL, if your school uses it:
Some schools may require passwords, or use different systems. Contact the school librarian for help in getting into a searchable database online.
Step 3: Challenge "Pervasively Vulgar" Books
Per PICO, a Supreme Court Plurality Decision, pervasively vulgar books can be "weeded" or removed by school boards and librarians who find them to be "pervasively vulgar". Contact the librarian and or the principal to alert them to the "pervasively vulgar" books. They may want you to challenge them. If so, ask for the form. Click on the image below for arguments that support protecting children from pervasively vulgar materials.
Step 4: Alert Local Parents
Often times schools will not remove the pervasively vulgar content. Start sharing the problem with churches, friends and neighbors in your community, so you can show up together at board meetings to make a difference. Please email maryinthelibraryusa@gmail.com for help.
Mary USA is an 18+ site with the book reports already uplodaded. Forward the posts of books that are in your school to your Facebook group with the locations. Kids under 18 won't see it. Download image here.

Sometimes they don't believe unless it's in black and white in front of them....
Here are some steps to making your video like the one below. Or you can ask "Leninists on the Prairie" to make one for you at the rate of $150 per minute of video. leninistsontheprairie@gmail.com
See the pages under "National Teams" on this page. Click the image below to order your own page for $50. It includes the web page plus any updates you need to make to it. You can embed the map of book locations in your district.
Instructions to make your own are at the link below. Click on the image below.
Additional Resources
These slicksheets are a one-page way to share the content. Or you can find the full reports in this spreadsheet under the "Link to rated report" column.
Build personalized, professional and persistent RELATIONSHIPS with your legislators and school board members and encourage your friends to do so as well. The Amplify-USA Mobile App, available in the App Store and Google Play Store was built to help groups build effective relationships. Local groups can send out their own messages and alerts targeted to their school districts.
Ask legislators to RUN A BILL. See here for some sample legislation that was passed.
Ask school board members to CREATE A POLICY that will help get out vulgar materials. View this page for sample policies.