Logan School District
How to Submit a Reconsideration Request
"The Logan City School District shall not adopt, use, distribute, provide access to, or maintain in the school setting, sensitive materials as defined in Section 76-10-1235 of Utah Code."
District patrons (a student, a parent, or an individual who resides in the boundaries of Logan school district) or employees can challenge materials.
The Request for Reconsideration Form is submitted to the school principal.
Challenged materials remain in use during the challenge process.
At the high school level, a student will be on the review committee...
The requestor has the opportunity to appear before the committee.
The school review committee will make a decision within 30 work days, if they decide to remove the material, it will be forwarded to the district review committee.
Appeals go to the district level, then to the Board if the requestor is not satisfied with the decision, where the decision will be final.
The same material cannot be challenged for at least 3 years on the same criteria.