- Publisher : Graphix (December 7, 2021)
- Book Rating Review: https://tinyurl.com/yrb429un
- Another book review: https://tinyurl.com/dpkev4af
- The entire book on You Tube: https://tinyurl.com/3sr8uanu
NOT OBSCENE. Included to represent sexual orientation labeling distributed to elementary school students. Most popular in elementary schools (78 copies in elementary vs 20 copies in junior high schools in Davis School District). Click on the images above to see that this story is about seventh and eighth graders struggling to determine their sexual orientation as well as hiding from parents who don't understand and won't accept them even though the rest of the world will celebrate them. This story seems to drive a wedge between children and parents instead of opening up dialogue around same-sex attraction. Encouraging, instead of discouraging, parental guidance in issues of sexuality is one of the best safe guards against the early sexualization and grooming of our children. If the story encouraged communication with parents, parents could help their teens understand the following:
Most children who experience same-sex attraction grow out of it. (Remafedi, G., Resnick, M., Blum, R., Harris, L. (1992). Demography of sexual orientation in adolescents. Pediatrics, 89,714-721.)
Temporary confusion during adolescence is common. (Savin-Williams, R. C., & Ream, G. L. (2007). Prevalence and stability of sexual orientation components during adolescence and young adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 385-349.)
Premature labeling of adolescents as homosexual can be harmful. When youth are encouraged to act out sexually to find out if they are homosexual it can lead to a premature self-labeling that can put youth at a high risk for a number of negative mental and physical health consequences.
Homosexual adolescents have an increased risk for many health problems such as “major depression, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, substance dependence and especially suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.” (American College of Pediatricians "Homosexual Parenting: Is It Time for Change?" March 2013.)
Suicide risk is higher for adolescents who identify as homosexual. A US study found that for every year an adolescent postpones identifying as homosexual, the suicide risk drop by 20 percent. (American College of Pediatricians "Homosexual Parenting: Is It Time for Change?" March 2013.)
Homosexuals and lesbians have much higher rates of many diseases, a number of which are life threatening. These include higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse, higher occurrence of oral and anal cancer, prostate, testicular and colon cancer, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, depression eating disorders, body image problems, and suicide, among others. (The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, “Top 10 Things Gay Men Should Discuss with their Healthcare Provider.")
The American Psychological Association states that homosexuals suffer higher suicide rates even where the lifestyle is widely accepted. (The American Psychological Association, “Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality: Answers to Your Questions for better Understanding."
Encouraging Children to label their sexual orientation oftentimes leads to sexual experimentation. There is an abundance of compelling research that confirms the harmful consequences of early sexual debut.
Teens who engage in early sexual debut (link to citations are provided at the bottom).....
Are less likely to use contraception
Are more likely to experience STI
Have more concurrent or lifetime partners
Are more likely to experience pregnancy.
- Have lower educational attainment (and not necessarily linked to pregnancy).
Experience increased sexual abuse and victimization.
Have decreased general physical and psychological health, including depression.
Have decreased relationship quality, stability and are more likely to divorce.
- Have more frequent engagement in other risk behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, and drugs.
Are more likely to participate in anti-social or delinquent behavior.
Are less likely to exercise self-efficacy and self-regulation
Have less attachment to parents, school and faith.
Have less financial net worth and more likely to live in poverty.
- Establish early sexual behaviors that set a pattern for later ones.
Also there are significant health risks for our LGBTQ youth:
Self-labeled homosexual and bisexual teens in the US were found to be twice as likely as htereosexual teens to have been victims of sexual or physical dating violence, to be regular cigarette smokers, to have tired marijuana before age 13, to ever have used cocaine, hallucinogenic drugs, ecstasy, taken presciprion drugs without a doctor’s presecrption, or to have feld sad or hopeless.
Longitudinal studies of adolescents suggest that sexual orientation may be quite fluid over the life course for some people, with one study estimating that as many as 80% of male adolescents who report same-sex attractions no longer do so as adults.
“[R]esearch on sexual minorities has long documented that many recall having undergone notable shifts in their patterns of sexual attractions, behaviors, or [orientation] identities over time” (v. 1, p. 636)
Homosexual adolescents have an increased risk for many health problems such as “major depression, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, substance dependence and especially suicidal idation and suicide attempts.”
Suicide risk is higher for adolescents who identify as homosexual. A US study found that for every year an adolescent postpones identifying as homosexual, the suicide risk drop by 20 percent.
Homosexuals and lesbians have much higher rates of many diseases, a number of which are life threatening. These include higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse, higher occurrence of oral and anal cancer, prostate, testicular and colon cancer, HIV-AIDS, hapatitis, syphilis, depression eating disorders, body image problems, and suicide, among others.
- The American Pshychological Association states that homosexuals suffer higher suicide rates even where the lifestyle is widely accepted.
Click here to see the citations for the above claims.
Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Teenagers put on a school play and discover each other's sexualities
This book contains alternate sexualities and sexual activities