- Publisher : Dutton Books for Young Readers (December 28, 2021)
- Book Rating Review: https://tinyurl.com/j2r3jwez
- Slick Sheet: https://tinyurl.com/wver8dfm
- Google Book Preview: https://tinyurl.com/mvvmju8v
- Excerpts from a sex scene and masturbation scene in “Last Night at the Telegraph Club”. The irony of this book … Lily, the main character (a high school Chinese American girl) is first “sexually awakened” by reading a heavy make-out scene in a paperback novel while in her local drugstore. After reading the one scene in that book, she had trouble concentrating on her homework because she kept thinking about what she read. She then masturbated that night (erotically written IMO). She then started sneaking out to clubs with her friend that eventually became her girlfriend. Then towards the end of the book the girls have sex in a high school classroom. See attached. This, to me, is a perfect “fictional” example of how books can be just as arousing as visual pornography.
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
Tells the story of a young woman in 1950's San Francisco, discovering her sexuality, finding first love, and navigating her place in the world of Chinatown and beyond.
This book contains obscene sexual activities; sexual nudity; alternate sexualities; and derogatory term