Weber School District
The books shown below were all found in Weber School District in 2022. To find out which books are in your school, use this map (best viewed on a computer) and click on your school. You can verify book locations by searching Follett. Watch this video to teach you how to search your school. A student, parent, employee, or board member may request reconsideration of library/media center material located in the school in which the student or parent’s student is enrolled, in which the employee works, or which the board member represents. A community member may also request reconsideration of library/media center materials located in the boundary school in which the community member lives. Any "community member" has the ability to contest a book in the boundary schools in which they live. Also, if a student at that school submits the reconsideration form, they are not required to read it. Any "sensitive materials" removals would apply to the whole district.
Click on a book below to find the link to a full report.